Friday, July 4, 2008

The thought behind the presentation -Josephine

Our first plan about the presentation was to just read the verses in arabic and all other languages and then be quiet for the rest of the two minutes. We wanted people to judge us really quick. That is what the verse was about. We wanted to confuse people but I think we did it too much. The story from the Koran is easy to understand but when you read the verses it sound so much more complicated, even I had a problem understanding. Maybe we should just had told the story in our own words instead.

We also had a different idea for the application. Then Ă–mer couldn't come for the presentation, we also got cold feet about our idea and changed it. We then decided that we had to say something about our idea/device/application, but it was all in the last hours. Just before entering the stage we thought about having a cellphone on 2 minutes so we wouldn't talk to long. We still wanted it to be really quick, but I think we might failed on that one ; ) (sorry)

The essence of our idea is to make something to help you dug deeper if you want to and not judge to quickly.

One thing I like about our idea is that we tried to understand calligraphy and then use that idea and not the calligraphy itself.

The device will be using very modern technology and will be very interactive with the user and people around the world, at least that is what we are aiming for.

(Disclaimer: This is my own thoughts about the presentation, we have not discussed it in the group yet.)


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