Thursday, July 10, 2008


Finishing the project.

Yesterday we did the last changes in the concept, we made it more intuitive. After speaking to the teachers we decided that it would be better if the map can figure things out by it self. You should not need to tell the map everything you want and everything you like, based on the information it has it should come up with ideas that will suit you. If you go to a lot of fancy expensive restaurants it will understand that you probably is rich and than give you directions to other expensive things to do in town. If you visit an art museum it might suggest places to buy art.

We have split up the work, Anna has been focusing on the poster and the interface, Cyrille on the design of the interface andt making the homepage, and I on the texts for the homepage, do the blogging, writing the personas and scenarios for using the product. We continued with the same things today, and we are also preparing the presentation for tomorrow.

We feel confident that we will finish on time.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Map v.2

We changed a couple of things today. This is what we came upt with after the critique:

The Map v.2

While walking in your town or sightseeing in another one you can use this interactive application to help you explore the city in a new way. It’s a map on e-paper that you can keep in your pocket and fold out when you need it. It uses GPS and a touch screen. It will also be connected to a social community (eg. facebook).
• Creating a route that is based on where other people have been. The more people that have went on a route the more colorful it will appear on the map.
o Friends. You can see which of you friends have been there before and where they went.
o Groups. You can join a group with a certain interest to see what they chose to do.

• Interface. When you open the map it will only show you a map and where you are. All the menus are going to be hidden and by touching the screen you will be able to see them. By dubble clicking you can get more information.

• (Time. You will be able to look at your history, where you went 24 hours ago for example.)

• (On the move. The program knows which speed you are travelling and where you are so it will always know if you’re by foot, car, train etc.)

• (Food. It might be useful if the map know the time and can give you examples of a close by restaurant during lunch and dinner time.)

first scetches for our project

this is just a first visualisation of how our product, which could be an application for an GPS, could look like. At the time its more like an abstract image:)


This is the thoughts from yesterday, we have changed a lot since then but this is the way that the project has been developing:

The Map

While walking in your town or sightseeing in another one you can use this interactive application to help you explore the city in a new way. You can use it in a device that is connected to the internet, has GPS and a touch screen. Everything is also connected to a website so you can also reach it from a computer. It will be open source and give people the opportunity to create their own plug-ins.
• Creating a route that is made only for you. Type in things you like and then the software remembers that. The next time it will keep the stuff that you liked and ban things you don’t like so it will get smarter over time.
o The software can filter things. Eg if you don’t have much money it will only show you things that you can afford. You can see how many people live in a special area or how polluted it is.
o You can zoom in to see a more detailed map.
o Layers.
o Where a lot of routs cross it will be a pulsing dot on the map.

• Showing emotions. Everywhere you are you have the ability to express your emotions in words and colors. If you eg. are visiting a mosque you might feel glad, calm or uncomfortable. You push the icon for that feeling, in that way you can watch a map over a city and see how people feel about different places. It’s all in real time so it will always be up to date. If you also add the question, Why?, you can dig deeper and explore why people are feeling that way.

• Implementing music. If you use your device also as an mp3-player you will be able to listen to the same music as other people. You can do this in many different ways. One way is to let other people know what you are listening to (Like MSN). Since you use GPS other people in that area are able to know what music is popular there. You can also go out for a walk and “save” the music and then give it to a friend and then that person can have a similar experience as you. You can also “leave” (tag) a song to a place so other people can listen to it.
o Listening to sounds in that area. Eg. while looking at a church in the map you can make it play that sound, like a prayer sound.

• Pictures. You will be able to look at (and upload) pictures of places.

• Icons. The icons will be nice animations witch make the map come alive. Restaurants may eg. be visualized as smoke.

• The map is a beautiful painting. The map will look like a painting that you can print if you want to.

Monday, July 7, 2008

First day of the last week

Today Anna and I started to make the poster. All the pictures got a bit greenish, that was kind of sad because the photos are very beautiful, Anna is a good photographer. We finished pretty quick to start work on our project instead. Then we went to see the calligraphy movie. It was very special, a lot like calligraphy, slowly and thought through. I didn't like the ending though, wanted to know more, did he die? did they kill him? what happened to the crazy guy? Then we filled Ömer in on what was new in the project. We brainstormed a little and then decided to split up and do different things until tomorrow, cause we don't have much time. Everything is working just fine but we realized that we are very different. I hope that we can all be satisfied with the result!

Friday, July 4, 2008


istanbul, istanbul. so we are here for nearly one week and there are many experiences we´ve made so far. I really like the the city with all its images, smells, sounds..Everything is so different to Austria. I am really glad do be here not only for vacation, but also to have the chance to get to know another culture. As I have learned so far, the field of calligraphy is a very big one and there is much to know about it, besides its appearance.

This is also what we´d like to concentrate on, in our projekt: going deeper into a topic to find out the real interesting things behind it. Getting in touch with these things may then lead to other unexpected experiences and informations. Taking your time to explore different areas is also connected with taking your time for doing calligraphy. Its not only about the result, its also much about the way it is done.

Our concept includes the idea of bringing people together. We would like to show them how fast they are going to make a judgement on something they´ve not even really looked at. By exploring things more deeper they would be more able to understand for exapmle the habits and rules of other cultures and could so live together more peaceful.

One thing that we´ve talked about was : A homeless guy is lying on the street holding a billboard in his hands. On this billboard stands something like: "If you want to work for Amnesty International, I´ll be the person you should talk to."

So the homeless guy considers the information needed by the people wo wants to work for amnesty international. Instead of wanting something from them(f.e.g. money, what most of the people would expect) he gives something to them.

A lot of people would not like to go on a dark street (f.e.g in Istanbul) and they would also avoid to look at the homeless guy lying in a dark edge. But the ones(the target group) who are interested in helping others would maybe look and him and they would be surprised what message he gives to them. It would be something they didn´t expected.

That was just one idea that may lead us to our main idea... :)

So far that was some information from my side, about what we discussed the last days.


The thought behind the presentation -Josephine

Our first plan about the presentation was to just read the verses in arabic and all other languages and then be quiet for the rest of the two minutes. We wanted people to judge us really quick. That is what the verse was about. We wanted to confuse people but I think we did it too much. The story from the Koran is easy to understand but when you read the verses it sound so much more complicated, even I had a problem understanding. Maybe we should just had told the story in our own words instead.

We also had a different idea for the application. Then Ömer couldn't come for the presentation, we also got cold feet about our idea and changed it. We then decided that we had to say something about our idea/device/application, but it was all in the last hours. Just before entering the stage we thought about having a cellphone on 2 minutes so we wouldn't talk to long. We still wanted it to be really quick, but I think we might failed on that one ; ) (sorry)

The essence of our idea is to make something to help you dug deeper if you want to and not judge to quickly.

One thing I like about our idea is that we tried to understand calligraphy and then use that idea and not the calligraphy itself.

The device will be using very modern technology and will be very interactive with the user and people around the world, at least that is what we are aiming for.

(Disclaimer: This is my own thoughts about the presentation, we have not discussed it in the group yet.)


Thursday, July 3, 2008

The first four days -Josephine

2 July
We started the day by finishing our mind map. Step one is now taken. We decided that we now need to brainstorm about what we want to make. I'm disappointed that we didn't have more time to continue work. The lectures was very interesting and the commercial for Honda stayed in my mind. We also went out for a little walk in the neighborhood to se calligraphy allped in real life. Just after a while we had leared to recognise at least two diffrent ones. We took some pictures for our poster.

Thought of the day: The only thing some muslim women show is their eyes and that is the one thing I hide. (Sara was the one noticing this)

1 July
One thing we all noticed right away was that Ömer knew a lot about calligraphy. This has been really helpful for us since at least I didn't know anything about it. We stared out by discussing what it really is. After that we began making the mind map. We where all focusing on the facts about calligraphy and tried to understand the meaning of it.
I discovered that I been placed in a very nice group with people with different skills: Ömer is our expert on calligraphy, Anna is a very good painter and Cyrille and I are very different but we both know a lot about creativity.
I liked the museum a lot but I felt that I didn't have much time to fully discover the calligraphy pieces. Ömer and I had a very interesting discussion about creativity and school and if it is good or bad to teach children the right and wrong answerer for everything.

Thought of the day: Youtube is banned in Turkey!

30 July
It was really fun and interesting to meet all the other students especially the team I was given. At lunch time the whole swedish group ended up with two turkish guys that took us to a nice place to eat. We learned a lot of thing for example the "interaction" between turkish people and kurdish people.

Thought of the day: Not a single Swede asked a question after the lecture.

29 June
We arrived much later than expected, a couple of things had gone wrong: The plane was late, we chose the slowest queue when going through customs and then the bus bumped into another car so we had to switch to a new bus. Then we all went out for dinner and I payed 13 ytl for three small grilled calamaris, went to bed still hungry.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

personal cyrille

June 30

The first day was a really relaxed day. Before we went to Kadir has we saw Istanbul waking op. Kadir Has really is the opposite of our school; nice building, inside garden and a nice amphitheatre. After the explanation of the program we introduced ourselves and meet our teammates for the project. There are nice people with same passion for UXD and design. The first intro to the summerschool was given by Cetin, a really nice presentation about calligraphy and the meaning of it. When we where done on school Taksim was waiting for us, we got drunk, it was nice ☺.

July 1

After a good conversation with my really nice group about calligraphy, the first attempt where made for the mindmap. After this we went on a boat trip what I really liked, I love to be on the water and I really like to go to a museum, it was therefore a really relaxed day. The museum was really impressive, only the time spend the was little short. I really liked the calligraphy and the other works of art. In the evening we met our friends of Istanbul it happen to be a great drink fest, and a late one, again it was nice ☺.

July 2

Today we finally could work on our project only the time was really short because of technical problems. We finished our mindmap and showed them to the lectures. Corne and Yoram did their lectures, it was inspiring but also nice to see. We are now on a point where we must choose a way to go to. We are like the idea that every style of calligraphy has his own target group, we thought of ideas to match it with UXD, but there was to little time to come up with a great concept, tomorrow we going to make it.