This is the thoughts from yesterday, we have changed a lot since then but this is the way that the project has been developing:
The Map
While walking in your town or sightseeing in another one you can use this interactive application to help you explore the city in a new way. You can use it in a device that is connected to the internet, has GPS and a touch screen. Everything is also connected to a website so you can also reach it from a computer. It will be open source and give people the opportunity to create their own plug-ins.
• Creating a route that is made only for you. Type in things you like and then the software remembers that. The next time it will keep the stuff that you liked and ban things you don’t like so it will get smarter over time.
o The software can filter things. Eg if you don’t have much money it will only show you things that you can afford. You can see how many people live in a special area or how polluted it is.
o You can zoom in to see a more detailed map.
o Layers.
o Where a lot of routs cross it will be a pulsing dot on the map.
• Showing emotions. Everywhere you are you have the ability to express your emotions in words and colors. If you eg. are visiting a mosque you might feel glad, calm or uncomfortable. You push the icon for that feeling, in that way you can watch a map over a city and see how people feel about different places. It’s all in real time so it will always be up to date. If you also add the question, Why?, you can dig deeper and explore why people are feeling that way.
• Implementing music. If you use your device also as an mp3-player you will be able to listen to the same music as other people. You can do this in many different ways. One way is to let other people know what you are listening to (Like MSN). Since you use GPS other people in that area are able to know what music is popular there. You can also go out for a walk and “save” the music and then give it to a friend and then that person can have a similar experience as you. You can also “leave” (tag) a song to a place so other people can listen to it.
o Listening to sounds in that area. Eg. while looking at a church in the map you can make it play that sound, like a prayer sound.
• Pictures. You will be able to look at (and upload) pictures of places.
• Icons. The icons will be nice animations witch make the map come alive. Restaurants may eg. be visualized as smoke.
• The map is a beautiful painting. The map will look like a painting that you can print if you want to.